What is Image File Execution Options (IFEO)?

IFEO is a feature which lets developers attach a debugger to an application/process. This allows to run the debugger/application at the time of running the application we wish to debug.

How to set IFEO?

  • Using the registry
  • Using GFlags tool

IFEO Types with implementation

First Implementation Create a debugger to a process in this registry key

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\<ProcessName>

ProcessName is a registry key that has the name of the process we would like to attach a debugger to it. The following example tells the debugger for notepad.exe will be calc.exe

Example Initially, IFEO Key looks like this Now, we’ll add a key named notepad.exe first screenshot

As below, Debugger is now calc.exe, whenever notepad.exe is set to be executed, the debugger “calc” will be run second screenshot

Second Implementation Launch a process/program when another application silently exits

Silent exit for an application means the application has been terminated in one of two ways
Self termination by calling ExitProcess
Another process terminates the monitored process by calling TerminateProcess

This can be set in the following registry key

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SilentProcessExit

Example We’ll run calc.exe once notepad.exe is silently exiting.
First, we’ll enable silent process exit monitoring by adding GlobalFlag name with hexadecimal value of 200 in notepad.exe key under IFEO key

third screenshot

We’ll create SilentProcessExit key under CurrentVersion, and under this key we’ll add subkey named notepad.exe

By adding both MonitorProcess value to be calc.exe, and ReportingMode to 1, now every silent exit of notepad.exe will trigger calc.exe to be run.

fourth screenshot

An example of how this appears

fifth screenshot

Example Let’s check 7th medium challenge (Universal) in (incident-response-challenge.com) website and try to solve it.

Used tools here will be Registry Explorer to navigate through the registry keys

11th Challenge

This challenge tells an occasional popup for CMD happens which seems to be a persistence pattern.

sixth screenshot

We’ll check both registry keys that we have mentioned using Registry Explorer as the evidence mentions Global Flags in the provided evidence

System Regsitry hives are in C:\Windows\System32\config, we’ll only parse Software registry hive

In Image File Execution Options, we notice the value name GloabalFlag exists

seventh screenshot

And under SilentProcessExit key, and notepad.exe subkey, we notice the monitoring process is an executable under temp directory which will run whenever a silent exit occurs for notepad.exe

eighth screenshot

Answer to the challenge



  1. The challenge used in this post belongs to incident-response-challenge.com
  2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/gflags
  3. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/registry-entries-for-silent-process-exit
  4. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/enable-silent-process-exit-monitoring
  5. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/registry-entries-for-silent-process-exit