Let’s check 1st advanced challenge (2nd Base) in (incident-response-challenge.com) website and try to solve it.

13th Challenge

This challenge tells there is a malicious process in a memory image and asked if we can identify this by comparing the memory image against another clean memory image.

first screenshot

First thing we will do is confirming the memory image profile using imageinfo against one of the two images

vol.py -f DESKTOP-HUB666E-20191101-155228.dmp imageinfo

second screenshot

  • Now, since the challenge asks about suspicious process, we’ll use processbl plugin which compares the processes of an images to processes of a baseline image

  • Two options to be used in comparison, display

    • Ony unknown by using -U option
    • Only known by using -K option
      DESKTOP-HUB666E-20200209-162404.dmp --profile=Win10x64_15063 processbl -B ../BaseLine/DESKTOP-HUB666E-20191101-155228.dmp -U 2>/dev/null

third screenshot

The suspicious process appears to be whatsapp with PID:5392, this is due to spwaning CMD process (3352)

Answer to the Challenge:


Side note

With same approach with comparing processes between images, we can compare drivers and services using plugins

  • servicebl
  • driverbl


  1. The challenge used in this post belongs to incident-response-challenge.com